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Our Award

Dialogue Experience is dedicated to providing innovative experiences and unleashing PoDs’ potentials.

CHO Appreciation Award - SME Award

Chief Happiness Officer Association 

HKIHRM HR EXCELLENCE AWARDS - Diversity & Inclusion Award

Hong Kong Insitute of Human Resource Management

關愛長者機構嘉許計劃2024 - 三星級證書

Social Welfare Department


HKET Excellence Awards 2023 - Excellence in Social Service

Hong Kong Economic Times

關愛長者機構嘉許計劃2023 - 愛心滿溢獎

Social Welfare Department


Extraordinary Branding Awards (NGO Excellence)

JCI Queensway

Goal 4 – Quality Education

SDG Label Certificate

關愛長者機構嘉許計劃2022 - 暖意無限獎

Social Welfare Department

2022長者友善措施致意行動 - 銅星獎

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service


Extraordinary Branding Awards (NGO Excellence)

JCI Queensway

Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2020-2021 (Gold Award Holder)

Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited


Social Welfare Department

The Special EGS Award: The Outstanding NGO Platinum Award 2021

ESG Achievement Awards

CHO Appreciation Award 2021

CHO Academy Limited

Hong Kong Retail Innovation Award 2020

Hong Kong Retail Innovation Award

Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association (HKRTIA)

Travellers' Choice Award 2020

Travellers' Choice Award


Hall of Fame  Award Tripadvisor 2015 till 2019

Hall of Fame Award Tripadvisor


Asia Recruitment Awards Bronze Award of Best Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2018

Asia Recruitment Awards – Bronze Award of ‘Best Diversity and Inclusion Strategy’

Human Resources Magazine