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NFT=Speculation? A brand new NFT project, a subversion of tradition.

1 NFT, 1 membership, 1 pass to Web 3.0. 

Dialogue In The Dark (HK) Foundation (“Foundation”) expand the community connecting PoDs* and Public under celebrities’ support from different sectors, advocating and actualizing inclusion and diversity in the new era of virtual technology. Each of Foundation’s NFT has its own unique story and feature. They include different traits such as various lovely accessories, part of them come with inclusive elements to show PoDs*’ different abilities and talent.  

Three Objectives 

1. To promote the concept of “People of Differences (PoDs*)” and raise public’s understanding to them

2. To expand the community connecting PoDs* and Public to virtual world

3. To promote inclusion continously and support PoDs*’ employment

Bring Didog Home

Join Inclusiverse

🪐 Join Inclusiverse on Facebook now! Know more about our latest member events and offer. 🪐  

Notice: NFTs are listed in ETH. A gas fee# will be charged for each transaction. We suggest that you purchase sufficient ETH in advance to ensure purchase successfully.  

Hey there, this is Didog! 

This is Didog! I’m the protagonist of NFT Project 2022. I’m a labrador, we are the most popular breed of Guide Dog throughout the world because of our intelligence and friendly personality. I am chubby, but I am agile and smart!  

I have different appearance, including elements of the visually impaired and the hearing impaired, hobbies and occupations. Each of my NFT has its own unique story and feature. Check it out! 


Member Community – Inclusiverse

Our NFTs are not for speculation. This is a digital asset symbolizing a member identity to allow primary buyers to enjoy a host of member privileges, encouraging primary buyers to keep our NFT instead of speculation. Through NFT Project 2022, we’re building up a member community of Dialogue in the Dark, “Inclusiverse”, to facilitate interaction between PoDs* and Public, actualizing inclusion and diversity together. 

Voting Rights

We endorse open and transparent culture.  Members have the right to vote and propose events.

Ticket Discount

Members can enjoy up to 20% off discount on purchasing Dark and Silence experience in DEP.  

Free Experience

Members can draw free experience tickets regularly, such as Dinner in the Dark, Birthday in the Dark. 

Member Events

Member events will be organized by PoDs*. Members can join according to their level entitled. 

Member Surprise Events 

We will organize occasional Member Surprise Events featuring different celebrities. 

What’s on? 

  • Birthday in the Dark 
  • Dinner in the Dark 
  • Visually impaired female runner Inti Fu and her retired guide dog NaNa Meet & Greet 
  • Kiki Lin X PoDs* – Silence Yoga 
  • RickyKAZAF X PoDs * – Make up session in RICKYKAZAF Concept Store
  • More upcoming fabulous experience (To be announced) 

Adopt Didog

Whether you’re looking for product discount or exclusive events, there’s a Didog for you. Didog NFTs represent three basic member levels, you may enjoy premium privileges by presenting Didog NFTs in your crypto wallet. 

Pearl level, Opal level, Diamond level and Special level

Entry Level
Price: 0.035 ETH or HKD500
For those who have joined Dialogue in the Dark’s experience or interested in exploring more inclusive activities and experience. 

Level 3 - Drum
Level 3 - Bikini
Level 3 - Football

Advanced Level
Price: 0.136 ETH or
For those who know Dialogue in the Dark and share the same vision and value with us! 

Level 2 - Instagram Pier
Level 2 - Mong Kok
Level 2 - Victoria Harbour

Die-hard Fans Level
Price: 1.999 ETH or
For those who are our supporters and desire to join more inclusive activities!

Level 1 - I Love You
Level 1 Hong Kong
Level 1 - Heart

Special Collection:UNclear  

Dialogue In The Dark (HK) Foundation collaborated with Mr. John Tsang to launch 50 limited UNclear NFT. Didog NFT and Choi Yeah NFT lead social welfare sector to break through the boundary together, promoting inclusion in the virtual world!  

The lens of cataract is added on each UNclear NFT to simulate cataract vision. The blurred image implies UNclear. “UN” represents the uniqueness of NFT Project 2022 by DIDF aiming actualizing Inclusion & Diversity in the virtual world. While “clear” echos our belief that vision conditions of the blind won’t forbid them to explore the world.  

Didog has transformed into Choi Yeah in UNclear NFT collection with Choi Yeah’s glasses and different costumes. Each of UNclear NFT includes exclusive mustache and bow tie layers. The lens of cataract is specially added on the NFT to enhance public’s understanding of visual impairment. 


🎁 You can get a Choi Yeah NFT free if you purchase one of the UNclear NFTs. UNclear NFT holders will automatically become Inclusiverse Member and will be entitled the privileges of Opal Level Inclusiverse Member. A series of inclusive activities are waiting for you!

Issuance: 50 

Launch Date: 28 June 2022 

Marketplace: OpenSea 

Price: 0.43ETH or HKD 3,500 (Include one Choi Yeah NFT)

UNclear Collection

Diamond Level NFT Purchase Method 

Method One: Purchase through OpenSea marketplace

  • If you already have ETH in your crypto wallet, you may purchase on OpenSea directly with gas fee#. 
  • If you do not have ETH in your crypto wallet, you may purchase ETH for the NFT and gas fee#. You will be required for more transactions for purchasing Diamond Level NFT on OpenSea. Passport or HKID is required for the payment gateway. Progress may take time to complete depends on the traffic of blockchain.


Method Two: Purchase through the Foundation 

  • You may contact DIDF for direct purchase, fixed price of HKD30,000 (including gas fee#) for Diamond Level NFT. NFT will be delivered to your crypto wallet address once payment is completed.

# Gas fee is a payment made by users to compensate for the computing energy required to process and validate transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, payments adjusted by the demand for transaction inclusion. 

How to purchase? 

Purchase in person 

You can purchase Didog NFT by cash, credit card, or other payment methods in Dialogue Experience Place. And you may create a crypto wallet on-site, then provide your crypto wallet address to the Foundation. Didog NFT will randomly send to your crypto wallet address within 2 working days. 

Purchase on OpenSea 

You need to create a crypto wallet. Then you can choose your own Didog NFT and purchase on OpenSea by ETH. Didog NFT will be sent to your crypto wallet address. 

Step 1: Download and create a crypto wallet

Step 2: Enter payment info to purchase ETH

Step 3: Choose your own Didog on OpenSea 

Step 4: Purchase successfully! Your Didog will be stored in the crypto wallet address


> Create your own MetaMask crypto wallet 

For any assistance or enquiries, please email us at . 


Q:Do I need to connect my crypto wallet to OpenSea marketplace before purchasing NFTs? 

A:Yes. Your NFTs will be stored in your crypto wallet after purchased in OpenSea marketplace. 


Q:Can I gift my NFT to friends? 

A:Yes. You can gift NFT to others only by the crypto wallet supporting Polygon blockchain. 


Q:Is NFT tax-deductible?  

A:No. NFT is not a donation item. Purchasing NFT cannot claim tax deduction. 


Q:Do I need to present my NFT for verification before I enjoyed the member privileged? 

A:Yes. Members need to present their own NFT stored in the crypto wallet and the contract address of the NFT. 


Q:Can I resell my NFT?  

A:Yes. You can resell your NFT on a secondary market. 

Q:How many HKD are 0.035 ETH, 0.136 ETH and 1.999 ETH? 

A:They are around HKD500 to 550, HKD2,000 to 2,200 and HKD 30,000 to 32,000 respectively. The above translations are made for reference only and are subject to the crypto market.